We are open year round, as well as our restaurant

Table d'hôtes

Our restaurant is open!

Since summer 2021, we have opened our table d'hôtes for dinners. We offer a meal 4 or 5 evenings a week, for 38 euros per person : an aperitif, entrance, main course and dessert (wine is extra). It's a single menu served for the whole table. For children, we encourage them to eat the same as adults, in appropriate quantities.

On the menu : local ! Freshly caught local fish, or local pork or lamb... Accompanied by local and often organic products from Benjamin the cook. Here, everything is homemade, from the sauce to the custard, right down to the smallest cookie ! Our garden comes in very handy to liven up our dishes with a rather original herbarium...

Please allow 24 to 48 hours for reservations (for a meal on a public holiday, 48 hours are required).


Kapera Maison D'hôtes

Maison Kapera, 601 Urtsuxolako errepidea (D252

Macaye, 64240, France

[email protected]


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